Official statement released by Press Advisor Govind Acharya

Honorable Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has been seriously drawn to the fact that by misinterpreting the statement given by the Honorable Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachand’ on 18th June 2080 about Sardar Pritam Singh, he is trying to fulfill his political ambitions under the same guise.

Sardar Pritam Singh met and got to know the Honorable Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ after entering the peace process from the People’s War. After Prachanda’s eldest daughter Gyanu Dahal was infected with cancer in 067/068, Singh’s treatment continued at his house in Delhi, and during her daughter’s treatment, he used to visit India. At the same time, Prime Minister Prachanda’s son Prakash Dahal’s relationship with Singh’s grandson became close and their relationship was not only formal but also emotional and family.

It is clear that during the launch of the reference book, the Honorable Prime Minister mentioned that Prachanda’s well-wisher Singh, who said that Prachanda’s political leadership is necessary to take Nepal to a new era, expressed his belief that ‘a worthy person like you should be the prime minister of the country again’ during an informal meeting. At the same time, the Prime Minister also recalled the issues expressed by Singh in the family discussions that took place when Singh visited his home in Delhi several times. However, excessive politicization by distorting the emotional expression meant to express the depth of the relationship is meaningless and sad in itself.

Prime Minister Prachanda, elected by the respected Parliament, is always accountable to the Federal Parliament. It is unfortunate that his statement was propagated in a unilateral manner without even giving him a chance to clarify in the parliament. Demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister at a time when the pessimistic psychology that ‘nothing will happen’ is being replaced by the pessimistic psychology that ‘nothing will happen’ is being created in place of the pessimistic psychology of protecting democracy and guaranteeing good governance against the attacks that are being made from various angles to create hatred towards the party politics and the democratic system. It is clear that there is an intention to stop.

When the main opposition party planned to block the parliament regarding the issue of the book release, the bill brought to punish the meter baggers has been inactive without being passed by the parliament, due to which the expectations of millions of Nepalese farmers who are victims of meter bagging have been seriously affected. We express our commitment.

It is worth remembering that Chairman of CPN (Maoist Center) Prachanda was elected as the Prime Minister on the proposal of the main opposition party CPN (UML) on January 10th and received almost 100% vote of confidence from the honorable house. We should also keep in mind the fact that blocking the parliament by demanding his resignation with a narrow political mentality is against the steps taken by the government in favor of good governance, prosperity and social justice and it will be an insult to the entire parliament. Therefore, we sincerely appeal to all to remain free from any kind of confusion and express solidarity in the government’s good governance campaign.

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