Karnali Chief Minister Sharma said that weeds inside the industrial village will be uprooted

The Chief Minister of Karnali Province, Rajkumar Sharma, has directed to uproot the weeds of the industrial village in the premises of Directorate of Industry and Consumer Protection in Birendra Nagar. Chief Minister Sharma, who has announced that at least two factories will be established in Karnali this year, gave this instruction to the head of the office Mukundanath Yogi.

Chief Minister Sharma gave instructions to clean up the industrial village with 62 rooms. Clean it first. Weeds are not good. Chief Minister Sharma said, “After that, remove the old structures inside the village that are about to collapse, and preserve the wood.”

After the Chief Minister Sharma’s directive, Yogi, the head of the office, said that due to the lack of budget, the old structures that were about to collapse could not be removed, the compound wall could not be put up, and the empty land inside the village could not be taken care of, and requested that a reasonable budget be arranged. In response, Chief Minister Sharma gave instructions to work and instructed not to worry about the budget. You should work, why are you worried about the budget? ‘ was his question. Meanwhile, office head Yogi said that out of 62 rooms in the village, only 9 rooms are vacant.

Now only nine rooms are empty. We have called everyone else for the agreement. We have prepared to operate the village as soon as possible. He said, “Until now, the industrialists who have taken shelter will operate the industries of gemstones, bamboo material manufacturing, Sisno powder production, allo weaving, allo Dhaka Kampa industry, garment industry, Radipakhi allo, doll cushion, furniture, makeup, hojiari, handiwork, handicrafts and carpet industries.”

On the other hand, Chief Minister Sharma also directed to carry out necessary research to produce oil from dhatero, okhar, chuleam, galyaaru, bhango, lalechuk. He also directed the head of the office, Yogi, to investigate the market consumption, cost, availability of raw materials in the province, etc. and submit an immediate report.

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